hey. my name is julie

and people know me as the "no bullshit therapist"

Hey. I’m Julie Marquis. I have many roles in my life. I am a business owner (x 2), I am a therapist, I am a coach, I am a sister, and friend. I manage a team of people, some of whom are employees and some are independent contractors. I started the business from nothing, and grew it to having a very busy team in 2 two years. We ended up being 5 years ahead of where I planned at 18 months. I have been told many times that I have a no BS approach and some of my clients call me the “no bullshit therapist.” 

My no BS approach came from being told that I needed to filter a lot when I was a kid. Partially I think there were some impulse control issues (hello ADHD superpowers), being a kid, but also stating the truth and calling things out. I think I inherently knew that the real progression and growth of people wouldn’t happen unless they faced their shit. I believe that we as leaders make the most headway when we face our internal belief systems that may be barriers to us moving forward. Taking a look at our weaknesses and our areas of growth help us lead better, and the ripple effect impacts our teams, families, and friends.  

I have always believed that for people to truly face their own barriers, they need to feel safe and feel like they’re in a no risk environment. They need to know that not only are things confidential, but that they’re not being judged as they share about things. My directness is truly because I care about you, your well being, and your growth. 

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